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“Am I slutty?”

This is a question I often ask myself.

I even ask it to my friends, “Do you think I’m slutty?”

I genuinely want to know.

They tell me no, you just have a high sex drive; no, you’re only a slut if you hit double digits; no, you’re single, it’s fine!

Some of them genuinely mean what they say, but some of them – I can tell – are just trying to make me feel better. Maybe they think it’s a trick question.

While I couldn’t care less what strangers think of me, I do care a great deal what my friends think.

Do I see myself as slutty? Well, yeah.

What else do you call someone who sleeps with people they’re not in relationships with, makes out with strangers in clubs, and sends nudes to boys just because they asked? I’ve slept with boys I haven’t been attracted to in the slightest. I sleep with them because I want sex, and they were available.

So, if a slut is someone who has many casual sexual partners, then I’m guilty as charged.

The Young Slut

There was a time in my life when I was bothered by this label.

I was 17 and studying in polytechnic. I was hooking up with different boys from school, sending photos of myself when innocent text conversations turned into something more.

I thought I was an awful person. I knew in my mind that I should not be doing this, but I also wondered why?

It felt good, not just physically. It felt good to be wanted, to have your body desired. Why shouldn’t I do it? It was my choice after all, wasn’t it?

Back then, people would call me a slut behind my back, and it hurt whenever I found out. Gossip like this spreads fast, and the further it spread, the more warped it would become, such that when it came back around, it was a completely different story from what had actually happened.

During those day, I would get these looks from schoolmates when we passed in the campus corridors. You just knew they were talking about you, that they knew of you and the things you had done.

It’s a confusing environment for a woman who is just finding out who she is and what she believes.

Once, the mother of one of the boys I hooked up with caught us in the act and yelled at us. She told me I was a loose woman, and that I had no respect for their family. She might as well have called me the S-word.

Staying True To Me

These days, a few years and many experiences later, the label no longer bothers me. These days, I’ve learned to embrace who I am, what I want, and what I believe.

I’ve learned to embrace the fact that I am a woman who loves sex in a society where it is indecent for a woman to show any signs of wanting it.

I’ve learned to embrace my belief that long-term relationships and monogamy isn’t for me — at least at this stage of my life.

I’ve learned to embrace all of this in spite of the knowledge that many Singaporeans will not approve.

So What If I Am, So What If I’m Not?

These days, with Tinder, Grindr, and all that becoming a normal part of our dating experiences, and with shifting attitudes towards relationships, sex, and bodies, people are less judgmental about non-committal sex and casual relationships.

Still, there remains a group of people who thinks differently — a majority that will still call the type of woman I am a ‘slut’, as if they were morally superior to me.

They think I will give myself to anyone and for anything. They think I don’t value myself enough. Little do they know that I am doing exactly what I want.

There was a time when I was ashamed of being a ‘slut’, but in the last 7 or 8 years, I’ve learned that it doesn’t matter. It does not define me. Maybe I am a slut, and maybe I’m not. The important thing is that it is not all that I am, and that I know who I am outside of these labels.

This Is Me

We all have a choice as to how we live our lives. This is how I’ve chosen for mine. This is my body and I have the right to do whatever I want with it.

Maybe monogamy works for some people. But it’s not for me. I don’t think there is a right or wrong when it comes to relationships — only what is common and what is not.

What I do think, however, is that this choice fits me now. Maybe a few years down the road, I will think differently; maybe then, I’ll choose differently. But that is for me to find out later on.

Until then, it is no one’s business but mine who I sleep with, how often I do it, and why I do it. And no one is going to make me feel bad about doing what I believe is right for me.